Neil Badass Banman

Neil sez: 'I don't like links pages!'
Here is my links page, ubiquitous amongst personal webpages. My friend Neil thinks that links pages are uninteresting, but I couldn't disagree more. When I first starting using the web(my freshman year at Reed, '94) what I really liked about it was that it actually was a web, you could travel from one point to another just to see where it took you. I like in part because it links to many sites that you otherwise might never find. So these are my favorite links, just keep this page quiet so Neil doesn't find out.


The Chicago Tribune - Allows me to catch up with all of the news back home. Great online content.
The Economist - The only news magazine that I think is worth reading.
C|Net News - CNet technical news, a great source for news and insights on the tech industry.
Salon - Biting political and social commentary, plus bonus coverage of reality-based television.

Sports - THE source for sports news and features online. Best content of any sports site.

My response: 'Take that Neil!'

The Sporting News - Good sports content and up-to-date features on local teams.
CNN/Sports Illustrated - Pretty lousy, but Dr. Z covers football with great insight and detail.


Car Talk - Car advice and entertainment from Click and Clack.
Doonesbury - Funny political cartoon, a pretty nice looking site too.
Something Awful - Really hit or miss but funnny more often than not.
The Onion - News satire, often times more accurate than The Oregonian.

Computer Related

Slashdot - A weblog with computer/geek related content, has a bit of an anti-Microsoft slant.
The Register - Another great source for tech news, but it's funnier because it's British
Mozillazine - Up to date news on Mozilla, the open-source browser that Netscape uses.
Jabber - An open-source Instant Messaging program, a very neat project.

Miscellaneous - Concerns all things minidisc, which is alive and kicking despite what you may have heard.
Google - A great search engine, lots of features and good results.
Dejanews - Now owned by Google, but still the first place I go when I have question I need answered.
No Aloha - A site dedicated to one of my favorite bands, the Breeders. - A coworker's site, and my bacteria on toilet adversary...
Remember Password - Bookmarklet that temporarily removes Autocomplete=off from forms.